Professional Skills

Technical Proficiencies

I've picked up a lot over the years, but these are the most relevant to my day-to-day. There's a lot more to this list.

  • HTML5
  • CSS / CSS
  • JS / ES6
  • PHP
Frameworks / Libraries
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Astro
  • Jekyll
  • jQuery
  • React Native
  • AlpineJS
  • Tailwind
  • Bootstrap
Platforms / CMS
  • WordPress

    Custom themeing, custom plugin development, CI/CD configuration, hosting configuration, user and content management, data-modelling, Gutenberg, ACF, Yoast, the list goes on.
  • Sitecore

    Helix architecture, front-end architecture, data- and content-modelling best practices, versions & workflow, content promotion, Experience Editor
  • Contentful

    Data modelling, environment promotion, integration via GQL and JS REST API
  • Hubspot

    Custom email template development using HubL; drag & drop templating

Technical Expertise

Data Modelling / Architecture

This skill comes into play most ofen while designing WordPress or Contentful data models, but have come into play when working on static sites as well.

Front-End Technical Architecture

This includes everything from SCSS folder structure / mixin / color systems to JS namespacing to file name and directory structures to linting rules on various platforms / frameworks.

Accessibility Testing, Auditing, Remediation

I've written very in-depth and detailed reports both pre-and post-remediation for accessibility - as well as done the work to remediate the issues.

CD / CI Pipelines

While not a dev-ops engineer, I've built pipelines - mostly for WordPress Sage 9.x based sites - in Azure Dev Ops and in CircleCI, and can direct dev ops engineers on desired outcomes based on requirements (branching / tagging strategy, etc)

Code Review

I'll catch those questionable patterns with these eagle-eyes of mine.

Professional Skills


Strong communicator with excellent written and verbal skills, with an ability to modify context based on audience (technical vs non-technical)


Trusted leader demonstrated by total sense of ownership over project deliverables, high rapport with colleagues and reports alike, and contributions to overall success of department and agency


Tenacious problem-solving skills, demonstrated by solving complex technical problems with unique or clever solutions, with an ability to determine longevity and scalability of solution vis-a-vis overall timelines and budgets


I pride myself on having a strong sense of detail, with an ability to see the importance of both the macro and the micro when working on a project. This includes everything from detailed enumaration of a product's components to enforcing consistency in code voice and style.


Don't take my word for it, here's some kind words others have said about working alongside me:

Colin is the most trusted member of my leadership team. I cannot imagine the team running without him. I know that when I am not available, he will fill in without any problem. His leadership allows me to focus on other areas on the team.

VP, Technology

Colin is an outstanding lead and individual contributor on project work. Every team would like him to be involved in their projects.

VP, Technology

Consistently goes above and beyond.

QA Lead

Colin never failed to take the reins and lead the team, both technical and non technical, to make sure the project is a success. He goes out of his way to think about ways to set his team up for success.

Group Product Director

Colin holds the whole frontend team together, while excelling as an individual contributor, *and* while leading others to be able to gradually share in his responsibilities.

Direct Report